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I had such plans for my first blog post on the new website. What a difference a week+ can make.
At the 2020 AMOA Expo Bad Dog was excited to speak with vendors, partners and competitors about the industry and the coming year. We laughed with Larry Johnson, keynote speaker about not shaking hands - but it has all come home to roost in the last 10 days.
I followed up with many of you with whom I'd spoken at the expo - learning that survival was the order of the day for many. I caught a few of you on the road, making those last rounds before your locations were closed by law. I hope each of you was able to collect your route revenue safely.
Bad Dog is just like so many of our customers, a small U.S.-focused company trying to maintain & grow a healthy, thriving business. Just like you, the team here at Bad Dog have asked ourselves - what can we do to help? We have arrived at what I think is a good answer - spread the information about how to survive both the virus & the business climate.
I hope you will find this blog and the ones to follow useful.
Keeping Score: Social Distancing by State & County
Useful to understand how well your community is committed to social distancing
I would encourage you to visit this page (open regardless of membership status). This has several helpful links regarding both the virus and small business disaster resources.
:: SBA COVID-19 Disaster Assistance Response
:: SBA Guidance and Loan Resources
Why the Coronavirus has been so successful
An easy read & well written - provides the best explanation yet for why this particular virus has hit our world so hard.
... what can we do to help? Spread the information about how to survive both the virus & the business climate.